Distance Learning

3/25 – Transferring

1. Choose what material you would like your child to “transfer”. Some ideas include, rice, beans, ice cubes, bird seed, water, pasta, and lentils. There are so many possibilities that you can find around your home….even dirt! If you will not be reusing the material that you have chosen, I suggest adding a drop of essential oil into the mix, I really enjoy using a drop of lavender. ​

2. Now you need to find the containers for the transfer. Measuring cups, bowls made with different materials, i.e. wood, metal, glass (this allows for interesting sounds during the activity). We really enjoy spice jars and ice cube trays. Ice cube trays are great especially if you want to add an element of sorting into the mix, like using two different types of beans.  


3. For the last step add a scoop, measuring spoon, spoon, small cup, funnel (if your using water an eyedropper or children’s medicine dispenser is also fun) to make the activity challenging for your child’s age group. 

4. To make for an easy clean up, put all the materials onto a cutting board with a lip (we have one from the home section of Marshalls just for art activities) or a cookie tray to help catch the rice that will most likely be scattered all over your kitchen floor.

Have fun!